About Us

We are KØR Athletics. We aim to motivate, drive, and challenge everyone. No matter your background or current athletic standing we want to help you not just reach your goals but exceed them.

KØR Athletics was founded in February of 2025 by our two founders. Who both wanted to bring together the fitness world and motivate others to achieve their goals and not give up.

Why KØR Athletics

KØR is more than a brand. It's a lifestyle.

The three letters in KØR aren't just thrown together. But put together with meaning and purpose. To help motivate and drive each individual to Keep Øvercoming Resistance. Life is full of challenges and resistance, but as long as you keep overcoming what life throws at you; you will achieve your goals.

So why achieve something alone when you can have a community of like minded people around you. KØR Athletics wants to bring the gym, yoga, running, sports, and fitness worlds together. One person at a time.

Everything you do Today, builds your Tomorrow. So what's stopping you from running a 5 minute mile, benching 225, squatting 405, or whatever your personal goal may be?

Get Out, Be Active, and Keep Øvercoming Resistance.